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From Antarctica’s snow-capped shores to stunning wildlife of South Georgia, discover abundant bird life in the Falklands~Malvinas or photograph sloths and monkeys in stunning Costa Rica. Our team of destination experts have designed incredible itineraries to inspire your client’s next adventure.                


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Read our latest travel updates and voyage rescheduling status.


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Our Ships 我们的船

The Greg Mortimer “阁默号”

Our current purpose-built expedition ship, the Greg Mortimer set sail in October this year! If you missed it, we have new images from our inaugural voyage in Antarctica and a 7.5 minute video with Greg Mortimer himself and the new ship. We’ve also launched a brand-new TV ad, click below to view our 30 second ad, as well as 15 second and 6 second version for social media.

If you would like your travel agency call to action added on any of the videos, please send the copy of your logo and the details that you would like added (e.g. phone number, email address and website) to [email protected]. Please note there is approximately a 2-3 week turnaround.

全新为探险旅行专业打造的游轮,阁默号于去年10月份完成了南极首航。如果你错过了首航也别担心。我们制作了 一段由克雷格·莫蒂默亲自解说,长度为七分半的介绍影片。同时您也可以点击下方的链接,观看社交平台的30秒,15秒和6秒的短片。

如果您希望客制视频,将您所在的旅行社的联系方式放在上述影片的结尾的话。替换您的商业标识和具体联系方式(例如电话,电子邮件,和网页)发至[email protected]

The New Sylvia Earle  ·  新邮轮 -“曦珥号”

Our 2nd purpose-built expedition vessel honours the highly accomplished marine biologist, oceanographer and explorer, Sylvia Earle. As the first female chief scientist of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and named by Time Magazine as its first Hero for the Planet in 1998 – this vessel pays tribute to Sylvia’s long standing conservation efforts for marine protected areas and ocean wildlife.

Besides the same revolutionary Ulstein X-BOW® design like the Greg Mortimer, the Sylvia Earle features a distinctive Glass Atrium Lounge at the bow of the ship with a stunning panoramic view on both port and starboard side, a sauna and jacuzzi where you can admire impressive scenery while watching the world go by.

曦珥号是澳罗拉探险为探险旅行而专业打造的第二艘游轮。她以著名的海洋学家,生物学家以及探险家 Dr. Sylvia Earle 席薇亚·厄尔博士的名字命名。厄尔博士是美国国家海洋气象局(NOAA)的第一位女性首席科学家,并在1988年被美国时代周刊评为第一批“行星的英雄”之一。我们用她的名字命名这艘探险船,致敬席薇娅一生中长期不间断的致力于保护海洋以及海洋生物的作为和贡献。
曦珥号与阁默号一样采用革命性的乌斯坦恩X-BOW®船体设计。另外,曦珥号在船首处拥有一个全景玻璃观景中庭,可以供乘客观赏船体左右两 侧的景色。并拥有一处游泳池和按摩浴缸,人们在这里可以惬意的放松一下,看着任时光流逝,与周围的世界一齐从身边飘过

Deck Plan & Stateroom Layouts 甲板设计图 与 客舱平面图

Greg Mortimer 阁默号

Please note for the Greg Mortimer, 2021/22 season only some of our Balcony statrooms have changed from Balcony Stateroom category B to Balcony Stateroom category A. We have also changed the name of the Balcony Suite to Balcony Stateroom Superior. Please refer to the stateroom number reference sheet for which stateroom numbers have changed.


Sylvia Earle

On the Sylvia Earle, we have introduced a new stateroom category, Aurora Superior Stateroom, which will feature French Balconies.





Trip Notes 旅行说明

Below are the latest trip notes, maps and images reflecting our rescheduled departure dates.
Please download and update these on your websites to make sure you have correct voyage and trek details.

Note: The $60 medical fee no longer applies but has not yet been updated in the trip notes.

下方是我们重新调整了出发日期后的最新旅行说明,地图和图像 (于2020年7月更新),请下载并在您的网站或宣传册上更新这些信息,请确保您有我们最新航次和徒步信息资料。
请注意:$ 60的医疗费不再适用,但尚未在旅行说明中更新

Marketing Assets 营销材料

Brochure 宣传册

Updated 2022/23 Brochure          2022/23 年宣传册正式发行了!

Download a customisable copy of our 2022/23 brochure. Click below the brochure for your market.

下载一份可定制的全新 2022-23 年航次宣传册。

Customisable Flyers 可定制传单

Download customisable versions of our new flyers promoting our new 2022/23 voyages.

点击下方下载可客制传单用以宣传 2022/23 年的航线与航次。

Social Media Tiles 社交媒体图块

Promote our new 2022/23 voyages on Facebook and Instagram.

以此在国内外的各种社交媒体平台上宣传 2021/22 季度的航线与航次。

Brand Assets

When promoting Aurora Expeditions in digital and print media, please follow the guidelines below.

Brand Guidelines
Aurora Expeditions’ Logo

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Contacts 联系方式

For bookings & sales enquiries, please email [email protected] or call +61 2 9252 1033

更多关于预订与销售详情,请电邮 [email protected] 或者拨打 +61 2 9252 1033

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